Ang Tulay

Ang Tulay means "The Bridge" in Filipino. This program is for children of  all ages who are grieving a death, separation or any other painful transition in their family.  It provides support and healing for children at risk and the entire family.

Our Vision

Bring healing to the nations by walking with others who care for children and families experiencing loss due to sickness, separation and death.


The Opportunity:

To build dynamic partnerships with organizations and churches who provide care and support for children at risk.


How do we walk together?

By training caregivers, health care workers and teachers.

By strengthening the capacity of organizations to provide care and support for the children at risk.

By developing learning communities that are mutually supportive.

About Ang Tulay Training

The ANG TULAY book is a Training Guide and Workbook for people working with children at risk. The material has been developed from the shared experience of Precious Jewels Ministry with Filipino chidren and families; children living in difficult situations due to AIDS, violence and substance abuse who have faced rejection, exploitation and alienation.


PJM holds training sessions in coordination with organizations working with children at risk.


In Uganda, PJM partners with Youth With A Mission in developing the training for Ang Tulay.

Philippines - Iloilo

Ang Tulay is a journey with children of all ages who are experiencing grief.  The journey is long and we cannot rush the healing. As a physical wound takes time to heal, so does a heart wound.


It is hard to imagine the central Philippines decimated by Typhoon Haiyan, locally named Yolanda. In Nipa Bay, a small fishing village in Eastern Iloilo, they lost all their possessions. The magnitude of loss became very personal as relatives and neighbors shared with us what happened that fatal day.  The families live next to the fishing village and their houses was damaged, but still habitable. This is the place where PJM began its Ang Tulay outreach with PJM staff and young adult leaders. We only stayed for two weeks this time. We have been asked to return to continue reaching out to other affected communities; please pray with us for the timing and location.

East Africa - Uganda

We are witnessing commitment and loyalty in the men and women PJM is training to become facilitators to train others in Ang Tulay; their sacrifice and passion is humbling! We are discovering the essential element of relationships in learning: "Withness". We have discovered the depth of the learning process taking place cross-culturally, with Jesus at the center of all our learning together in East Africa. 


We have experienced a 'Season of Firsts' in Uganda as we led Ang Tulay sessions for the 1st time with nationwide Preschool Teachers, the 1st with Youth Leaders living with HIV/AIDS and the 1st time with a Women's Cooperative from villages where every family has a loved one living with HIV.

Walking and Growing Together

The smallness of our PJM team provides a wonderfully dynamic time of learning with our Ugandan 'learning facilitators'! We have gained much experience together as partners. They are now asking us to help them reach the surrounding nations, troubled and in need of God's healing touch.